Templeton Olive Oil

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Things You Probably Did Not Know About Olive Oil

Here are a few facts you probably did not know about Olive Oil:

  1. 11 Pounds of Olives = 1 Quart of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    Thats right! 11 POUNDS of olives makes just 32 ounces of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. To put that into perspective the average olive tree will only produce roughly 42 pounds of olives each year. Olive Oil is called “liquid gold” for a good reason!

  2. The Average Olive Tree Lives for 300-600 Years!
    The lifespan olive trees vary drastically, some being as old as thousands of years old!

  3. The Flavor of Olive Oil Directly Relates to Antioxidant Content
    Have you ever noticed that not all olive oils taste the same? While different varieties play a role in the oil’s flavor profile, the antioxidant content is also a major component in the way the oil tastes. The more you taste an earthy olive flavor, the higher the antioxidant level as well as the health benefits.

4. Olive Oil Lowers LDL and Raises HDL Cholesterol

When most people hear the word cholesterol, they automatically think it is bad. This is only true when referring to LDL cholesterol. On the other hand, HDL cholesterol is good for you and your body needs it to function. Olive Oil is the perfect tool to add to your diet to not only raise HDL cholesterol but lower your LDL cholesterol!

5. Olive Oil Has Anti-Cancer Properties

There are many health benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Studies have shown that olive oil actually contains numerous anti-cancer properties, primarily from the high levels of antioxidants. These studies have shown that persons who follow a Mediterranean Diet high in Extra Virgin Olive Oil have some of the lowest levels of cancer in the world!