Templeton Olive Oil

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How to Care For Your Olive Oil

How to Store Extra Virgin Olive Oil

When it comes to preserving premium extra virgin olive oil it is very important to do it properly in order to maintain its freshness and quality. When storing olive oil it is important to keep four things in mind: time, light, temperature, and oxygen. So let’s take a look at these four elements and how they apply to preserving the freshness of Olive Oil.

  1. Time

    The time from when the olives are picked to the time they are pressed must be minimal in order to maintain the highest quality olive oil. (Find out an orchard’s process before purchasing.) Templeton Olive Oil presses within hours of picking which ensures the highest quality premium olive oil.

    When it comes to the pressed olive oil, we recommend enjoying within six months of opening the bottle to consume the best of your olive oil. Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil will last much longer than six months, however you may loose some of the healthy benefits as the oil ages.

  2. Light

    Exposure to light causes the breakdown of chlorophyll in the oil which can negatively alter the oil’s taste and aroma as well as the nutritional benefits. This is why we bottle our Olive Oil in dark bottles to help avoid light exposure. We also recommend that you store your oil in an enclosed dark cabinet or pantry to further ensure the preservation of your olive oil.

  3. Temperature

    The ideal temperature for olive oil is between 65-75 degrees fahrenheit. Although refrigerating olive oil may extend its shelf life, the oil will become cloudy and possibly solidify therefore we recommend keeping the oil out of the refrigerator an in a dark cool place.

4. Oxygen

When olive oil is exposed to air, it begins to oxidize, which is a series of chemical reactions that can degrade the oil's quality. This process can cause the oil to become rancid, giving it an unpleasant smell and taste. Oxidation also breaks down the oil's antioxidants, making it less nutritious. It is important to make sure to have your oil in a enclosed bottle to prevent this oxidizing from happening.

Shop here for high quality extra virgin olive oil.